Autologous fat transplantation can improve body shape Autologous fat transplantation is to transplant the fat on your body to the part you need to fill. Autologo
Autologous fat filling can improve the face When people begin to age, the problem withthe face is that the skin is sagging and the contour is not full. When the
Autologous fat Autologous fat absorbs excess subcutaneous fat cells from some parts of the human body, and then purifies the extracted mixture and injects drugs
What should be the choice of PPDO thread face liftandautologous fat facial filling? Autologous fat facial filling The aim is to fill in the missing volume of the
Postoperative notes are different 1.Hyaluronic acid Preoperative confirmation of physical health and no treatment contraindications, you can prepare for treatmen
Comparison of hyaluronic acid and autologous fat Treatment time is different 1. Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid is especially convenient and quick to improve the
Autologous Fat Transplantation It is the excess fat in the waist, abdomen, thigh and other parts of the body. After centrifugationand purification treatment, com
Coco Cosmetologist 22 Years Old As a cosmetologist in Hanfei Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Coco has enviously witnessed a number of beauty-pursuing customers bec
1. Does it hurt if I take the Autologous Fat Cheek Filling? Anesthetics will be applied in the course of the surgery, so there wont be any pain during the surger